Neha Pal , PhD Microbiology
9 min readMay 29, 2020




Genus Tinospora (Menispermaceae) have 34 species counted is a large glabrous momentary climbing shrub. Tinospora cordifolia is commonly known as Guduchi, Amrita (Sanskrit), Giloe, Gulancha (Bengali), Giloya (Hindi), Galo (Gujrati), Teppatige (Telagu), Heart leaf moonseed (English). According to Ayurveda, T. cordifolia itself possesses a bitter, pungent, and systringent taste. In other treaties like Charak Samhita and Ashtang Hridaya, it has been indicated in disease like Kamala (Jaundice), Javara (Fever) and Vatrakta (gout). According to new research, alkaloids chemical constituents from plants have essence of exceptional antitumor activity, high effect good tolerance, and slight side effect.

KEYWORDS: Tinospora cordifolia, Medicinal herb, cardiovascular properties, Anti-oxidant activity, Immuno-stimulatory activity, Antitumor activity.


The genus Tinospora (Menispermaceae) have 34 species counted is a large glabrous momentary climbing shrub.[60] Frequently used as domestic folk medicine for the colds, headaches, pharyngitis, fever, diarrhoea, and rheumatoid arthritis treatments, as long as detail Indian Ayurveda frequently employs T. cordifolia in treatment for diabetes. It’s obvious ant diabetic properties attract modern researches attention.[75] Modern pharmacological researches and clinical practices demonstrated that Tinospora species possess a wide spectrum of activities, including ant diabetic[75] anti-oxidation[53] [41], Anti-tumor[21] [60], Anti inflammation [74] [51] Anti-microbial[20], Antisteoporosis.[72] Tinospora cordifolia is commonly known as Guduchi, Amrita (Sanskrit), Giloe, Gulancha (Bengali), Giloya (Hindi), Galo (Gujrati), Teppatige (Telagu), Heart leaf moonseed (English). It is a large deciduous climbing shrub found throughout India, and also in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China.[57] Plant stem has shown to produce immunomodulatory activity due to the presence of arabino-galactan. Root is authoritative aperient and used for visceral obstruction; own watery extract is used in leprosy.[40] Specifically its consist are tinosporine, tinosporide, tinosporaside, cordifolide, cordifol, heptacosanol, clerodane furano diterpene, diterpenoid furanolactone tinosporidine, columbin and β-sitosterol.[4] The aqueous extract of Tinospora stem continue arabinogalactan acquire immunomodulating adaptogenic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antipysetic, anti-neoplastic, hypolipidemic, hypoglycaemic, antioxidant, immunopotentiating and hepatoprotective properties.[77,30,4] Its stem is used as an ingredient for Ayurvedic preparations to treat general debility, dyspepsia, fever and urinary disorders. T. Cordifolia is a plant prescribed in Ayurveda as a Rasayana or general tonic.[82] Antifungal and HPCL analysis of the crude extracts of Acorus calamus, Tinospora cordifolia and Celestrus paniculatus. Journal of Agricultural technology, 6: 149–158. A variety of constituent have been isolated from T. Cordifolia belonging to different classes such as alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, terpenoids, phenols, flavanoids, saponins and steroids, T.cordifolia contains about 11.2% protein and rich in calcium and phosphorous.[36] Pharmacological studies on Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia Mies).[102] TCE and the compounds isolated from T. Cordifolia acquire contribute displayed to possess immunomodulatory, anti proliferation and anti-angiogenic effects in various in vitro models (Mishra R and Kaur G (2013). Aqueous ethanolic extracts of Tinospora cordifolia as a potential candidate for differentiation based therapy of gioblastomas. PLOSOne 8: e78764). The antibacterial activity of T.cordifolia has been reported.[46]


It is large deciduous extensively spreading climber with several elongated twining branches. The plants are found climbing up the trunks of many trees, on near wall of fences or pillars and on ground. They prefer deciduous and dry forests. It thrives will in tropical regions, often growing to great heights and growing over hedge.[56] Stem is grey and creamy white, deeply cleft spirally and longitudinally with space porous and freshly cut surface assumes a yellow tint when exposed to air. Simple, alternate leaf with long petiolate, exstipulate, chordate shaped displaying multicoated reticulated venation long thread like aerial roots which appear from the branches. Flowers are small and unisexual. Male flowers are in bunches, and female flower are separate. Six sepals arranged in two whorls, they are obovate and membranous. Aggregate fruit is red, fleshy with many druplets on thick stalk with sub terminal style scars, scarlet coloured.[6]


Aryurvedic drug Guduchi or Amrita is mentioned in various texts of Ayurvedic system of medicine viz: Charak, Sushrut and Ashtang Hridaya and other treaties like Bhava Prakash and Dhanvantri Nighantu under other various names viz: Amara, Amritvalli, Chinmarshuha, Chinnodebha and Vatsadanii etc.[49] On the basis of investigations, they are clinically applied for the treatment of fever and parasitic diseases, mouth, skin, respiratory and urinary tract infections, oral ulcer and diabetes in addition to being an adjunctive therapy in cancer and to protecting the liver [43,54,76,28,97,98,101,27,38,43,54]

In India, T. cordifolia also known as Giloy (Plant which protects from diseases, Sanskriti) accept continue described in antique content edition of Ayurveda including Sushrut Samhita and Charak Samhita.[90] According to Ayurveda, T.cordifolia itself possesses a bitter, pungent, and stringent taste. The harsh taste is said to upgrade metabolic activity, even at a cellular level. It is documented to treat gastrointestinal diseases including dyspepsia, flatulence, gastritis, jaundice, diarrhoea, splenomegaly and haemorrhoids. It has a role in the treatment of metabolic disorders such as diabetes and kidney disorders and it is currently more inclined to be a research focus. It is prescribed for intermittent fevers, infective conditions, urinary disorders, skin diseases, and eye diseases. Tinospora combo with other herbs, used as an delight element of gout and rheumatoid arthritis. And the whole plant is applied to fractures. Moreover, T.cordifolia shows healthy effects due to its various nutritious compounds and is considered as a general tonic.[90,52] In other treaties like charak Samhita and Ashtang Hridaya, it has been indicated in disease like Kamala (Jaundice), Javara (Fever) and Vatrakta (gout).[16,94,45] In Bhavya Prakash, it is considered as bitter tonic, astringent, diuretic and potential aphrodisiac and Curative against skin infections, jaundice diabetes, chronic diarrhoea and dysentery.[45] In Dhanvantri Nighantu, Giloy’s medicinal properties are mentioned for cure of bleeding piles, promoting longevity, curing itching and erysipelas.[5]

Nutritional composition

Pandey et al. (2016) found that dehydrated Giloy has a high level of calcium, protein, iron, crude fibre and ash with values 210 mg, 5.23 g, 22.55 mg, 52.295 g and 5.88%, respectively They also found that dehydrated Giloy had a high level of flavonoids 18.28 mg% anti radical scavenging activity 19.75, polyphones 12.2 mg, respectively (Table 1).

Traditional uses

The tribals Baiga, living in the interior areas of Naugarh and Chakia Block of Varanasi district, Uttar Pradesh make the paste of stem of the Guduchi (T.cordifolia) and the roots of Bhatkatiya (Solanum Suratteuse). Prepared and used Pills in fever treatment for three days.[84] The tribals of Mumbai and its neighbouring areas and the fishermen along the sea coast use T. Cordifolia as drug in the Treatment of fever, Jaundice, Chronic diarrhoea and dysentery.[78] The tribals of Khedbrahma region of North Gujrat use the Plant in their day-to-day life as food or medicine. Powdered root and stem bark of T.cordifolia with milk for treatment of cancer, Root decoction is used for dysentery and diarrhoea cure and decoction of old stems is preferred in the treatment of periodic fever.[14] Decoction of stem is administered orally by the people of Jammu (J&K) and Bigwada (Rajasthan) for the treatment of fever.[7] The Muslim tribals of Rajouri, Jammu (Tawi) comprising Gujjar and Backwals used the plant in bone fracture.[95] In Dhanu forest division of Maharashtra tribal races, viz. Agris, Bhils, Dhodias, Dublas, Khakharis, Rimoshis, Thakurs, Vardaris, Vagharis and Varlis use the stem decoction with cold or hot water (about 3–4 gm) in morning in empty stomach as a tonic in general debility.[79] Child’s shirt is dyed in Giloy juice of and worn in balashosha (anorexia children) by the inhabitants of Banka (Bihar). Paste or juice of Amrita (T. cordifolia) leaves and Sarsapa beeja churna (seed powder of Brassiaca compestris) is applied locally in case of Daha (Burning sensation). Powder of Terminalia chebula (Haritaki), Tinospora cordifolia (Amrita) and Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwain) in equal portion is conducted personally, previously day to day fresh morning with salt for the treatment of Kasa (cough). Decoction of these days is more to be appropriate in dose of 50ml for Kasa treatment (Cough) by the people of Dhurala (Haryana). Paste of Guduchi (T.cordifolia) and 5 seeds of Krishna marich (Piper nigrum) is administered orally once daily in morning in rakta pradar (Leucorrhea) by the local women of Arjunpura (Rajasthan). The inhabitants of Badala (U.P) take the juice of stem orally with honey for the treatment of Swasa (Asthma). Stem decoction in conducted orally in case of twak-roga (Skin diseases) by the people of Durabara, Kolaras, and Sivpuri District of M.P (7).

Medicinal and Pharmacological Activities

The plant worn to enhanced immune system and body defiance across infections. The root of this plant is known for its anti-stress and anti-malarial activities. Stem is harsh, stomachic, diuretic, stimulates bile secretions, allays thirst, develop blood and cures jaundice. The extract of stem is useful in skin problems. The root and stem of and scorpion (31). The plant is also used in the treatment of wounds, pneumonia, asthma and cough. Tinospora cordifolia has anti-cancer, immune stimulating, nerve cell protecting, and anti-diabetic, Cholesterol lowering and liver-protective actions. Tinospora cordifolia acquired again responsible for decreasing the tissue damage begin by radiation, the after effects of Chemotherapy and advance healing of diabetic foot ulcers (63).

Table 2. Chemical constituents responsible for the bioactivity (57, 63, 80, 88).

Cardiovascular properties

Archana and Kusuma (2012) observed dose dependent negative ionotropic and chronotropic effects with both aqueous & ethanolic extracts of T.cordifolia (9).

Anti-oxidant activity

Bhawya and Anil kumar (2010) found significant antioxidant potential in methanolic, ethanolic and water extracts of T. cordifolia as compared to other solvents. They also possess metal chelation and reducing activity (15). Sivakumar et al. (2010) observed that the T.cordifolia stem extracts in methanol (81). The methanol extract exhibited the highest ant oxidative activity (92.09%), followed by ethyl acetate (84.98%), butanol (82.59%) and water extract (53.95%) respectively @ 250 mg/ml (67, 92).

Pharmacological activities

Antioxidant Activity.

Natural plants worn in traditional Chinese medicine acquire antioxidant effects over different mechanisms, including DPPH radical scavenging assay, superoxide anion scavenging assay, hydroxyl radical scavenging assay, and ABTS radical scavenging method (18). On a comparative basis, T. sinensis and T. cordifolia inhibit tested to have equal antioxidant activities (82). The components identified in essential oil include alcohols (32.1%), phenols (16.6%), aldehydes (16.2%), fatty acids (15.7%), alkanes (8.3%), esters (3.2%), Terpenes (1.2%) and others (4.8%) (17). Anti-diabetic potential of T. cordifolia stem is also well proven (74, 87, 86).

Table 3. Pharmacological Activities reported from Tinospora cordifolia.

Immunostimulatory Activity:

Few Tinospora species have effects on humoral immunity, cellular immunity, and nonspecific immunity. Polysaccharide, a natural macromolecule, acquired all over the place occurrence in biological bodies and has abundant set of biological activities, which perform an special role in regulating immune system (61). Other reports indicated that it is the synergistic effect of immunomodulatory active compounds in genus Tinospora that supply to immunomodulatory activity (93, 1). Through activating the inherent and acquired immune system toward produce antitumor immunity, the immunomodulatory activity further contributes to the tumor immunotherapy (83).

Antitumor Activity:

Detail chemical components of Giloy, clerodane diterpenes, displayed possible cytotoxic activity against tumor cells (59). Currently, antitumor effects of the Giloy species accept continue extensively research in vivo and in vitro. Mechanisms of the antitumor activity of Giloy species continue primarily fixed on the cytotoxicity and cell apoptosis induced. Epoxy clerodane diterpenes continue calculated because the activity against diethyl nitrosamine-induced hepatocyte carcinoma; the results achieved that they kick in blocking carcinogen metabolic activation and enhancing carcinogen detoxification (2, 68). According to new research, alkaloids chemical constituents from plants have essence of exceptional antitumor activity, high effect good tolerance, and slight side effect (32). Present research displayed that the fungal taxol had strong activity against human cancer cell lines by MTT assay and M. tuberculosis H37Rv by Radiometric Bactec 460 assay that could deliver as and distinguished alternative source and a genetically engineered species for anticancer compounds (96). Moreover, single or synergistic formulations of T. cordifolia with Zingiber officinale accept continue worn in ancient India medicinal system to treat rheumatoid arthritis (63). Tinospora has continued considered to exert other pharmacological activities. Cordifolioside A mainly isolated in T. Cordifolia. It has a potential in vivo radio protective effect and in vitro Cyto-protective activity (3). The impressive radio protective efficacy may be related to the attenuation of radiation induced decrease of adherence and spreading, increase of IL-and GM-CSF1 levels, and reduction of apoptosis (39).


The scientific research on Tinospora cordifolia suggests a huge biological potential of this plant. It is strongly believed that detailed information as presented in this review.



Neha Pal , PhD Microbiology
Neha Pal , PhD Microbiology

Written by Neha Pal , PhD Microbiology

Postdoctoral researcher , passionate exploring phototherapy treatments, curious the truth of uncovering world

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